NOAA Weather Radio

This is the stream provided by Weather Underground for NOAA Radio, transmitting at 162.475 Mhz from Riverhead, NY. The forecast is provided by the National Weather Service forecast office in Upton, NY, located at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

PLEASE NOTE: In the event of an emergency, it is highly possible that this Internet feed will not be available to you. Please invest in the small amount of money to purchase a battery-powered All-Hazards Weather radio to keep you informed in the event of an emergency.

The College Hills weather station utilizes a Reecom R-1650 S.A.M.E. Weather Alert / All Hazards Radio in the event of a weather emergency. This radio is available for appx $55 from Other models are available that are less expensive.

Reecom Weather Radio

Note that Adobe Flash is required to listen to the audio stream.